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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the hospitality wizards It’s that time of year when the dark nights creep in and the temperature drops. That doesn’t stop us from getting out and about. We like to keep our finger on the pulse at…

Chef Referral Scheme

Do you know any chefs looking to join an agency or  looking for a new permanent role ? We offer a £50 bonus reward for every successful referral Simply ask your referral to give us your name upon registering and…
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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the hospitality wizards It’s that time of year when the dark nights creep in and the temperature drops. That doesn’t stop us from getting out and about. We like to keep our finger on the pulse at…

Chef Referral Scheme

Do you know any chefs looking to join an agency or  looking for a new permanent role ? We offer a £50 bonus reward for every successful referral Simply ask your referral to give us your name upon registering and…