DBS Checks

A DBS check is required for all staff who will be working with vulnerable sectors of society such as children, the homeless or the elderly.

The checks are put in place as a safeguarding measure and we take safeguarding very seriously at Adkins and Cheurfi Recruitment. As an individual you can apply for a Basic DBS check on your own behalf. This check will provide you with a Basic Certificate. Our care/education and charitable clients only accept candidates with an Enhanced DBS Certificate. An Enhanced check can only be carried out on your behalf by an employer. At Adkins and Cheurfi we select reliable candidates seeking work in the education and care sector for Enhanced checks where appropriate. We operate from a quarterly budget and we stand the cost of the DBS on the understanding that the check must come back clear.

It is simple and quick for us to apply for your Enhanced DBS certificate. The process is as follows:

  • We send you a link via email, which you access and answer the questions completely
  • We enter the information in the employer section and pay for the DBS
  • The information is then sent off to the relevant police force where it will be processed
  • The average processing time of a DBS certificate this year has been three weeks, though some have been much longer
  • Once processed the Enhanced DBS certificate will be posted out as a hard copy to your home address
  • You are required to alert us on receipt of your certificate. We will have received a digital report stating whether the check has yielded any details of past convictions or whether it is clear

On receipt of your Enhanced DBS you will have the option to sign up to the UPDATE SERVICE for £15.00. The UPDATE SERVICE means that any future employer can, with your permission access your certificate making you eligible to work in many workplaces in the future. This can be renewed every year and makes your DBS transferrable. We cannot recommend enough that you sign up for the UPDATE SERVICE. Due to the release of new government guidelines this year more and more clients are demanding agency workers with clear, TRANSFERRABLE DBS certificates than ever before. It is in your interests to sign up to keep your DBS relevant and useful. We will not be standing the cost of a DBS check for any candidate who has previously been put through the process by us and not signed up to the UPDATE SERVICE.

Commonly asked questions

How long does my DBS last?

Once on the update service the DBS can be annually updated and never expires. For a DBS certificate not on the update service, it is valid between one and three years depending on the company policy of the client in question. For example, most schools will only accept a chef or catering assistant with a clear DBS certificate issued within the last twelve months whereas some care clients accept DBS certificates up to three years old max.

Can I be accepted with an Enhanced DBS certificate from a previous employer?

Again this depends on the client. Some clients will accept a certificate carried out at a past company but some require the employer of the certificate to be Adkins and Cheurfi Recruitment. If your DBS is registered on the Update Service the DBS is fully transferrable between employers. What if I have convictions on my DBS? We no longer accept candidates with any convictions or cautions on their certificates, even if the conviction was a long time ago.

What if I lose the certificate?

If you lose the certificate the whole process becomes null and void. Adkins and Cheurfi will not stand the cost of a second DBS check and your prospects of employment with our selves will be affected a result. We reserve the right to reclaim the money spent on your DBS check from any future pay. I only want to work in hotels and restaurants? DBS checks are only relevant for chefs and other staff working in schools, care homes and nurseries. For more information of the DBS process and to find out if you are eligible please email info@adkinscheurfi.co.uk

I have my own children and I’ve never done anything illegal. Do I still need a DBS to work in a school?

Yes, you do. Although you may know that you are a good person with nothing to hide, we cannot take your word for that. We have an ethical responsibility to check our workers properly.

I want an Enhanced DBS check but I’ve only worked a few shifts. Will I be considered?

We are more than happy to put newer staff members through an Enhanced check but would expect a candidate who has worked for less than four weeks to pay the cost. We may pay for newer candidates but this is entirely at our own discretion