New Year Office Update

New Year Office Update from Adkins and Cheurfi

We hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year

In light of the government announcement to lock down the country again until the end of February we can’t say we were shocked…… We are looking forward to a Spring time comeback for hospitality which when everyone is free to dine out, have a beer and go to a football match again! With the vaccine being rolled out this week we can finally see some light at the end of this long tunnel and we urge you all to keep your chin up and weather the storm!

We will still be reachable on the office phone and here to answer all your queries and help you in any way we can. Christine and Cath will be working on the healthcare and education sector (where possible) to keep us ticking over until the good times roll back around, which they will.

In the mean time keep safe and look after each other.

The A&C Office Team


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