Chef Newsletter

Chef Newsletter

We are halfway through the year and coming up to one of the busiest times!

Your support has been amazing, and we can’t thank you enough for this.

We are still running the refer a friend incentive, if you know any chefs who want to join our agency, get them on board and receive a referral fee once the candidate has worked for 6 consecutive weeks.


We are also getting our compliance in order. Please send your Food Safety Certificates to myself or These certificates are critical, and all chefs must present these. If you haven’t got your food safety certificate or if it is out of date, then we can assist by putting you through the Level 2 food safety course – free of charge.


As you already know Adkins & Cheurfi have had a few changes within the business. All candidates should now have the NEW Adkins & Cheurfi timesheets. If you don’t have the new timesheets, please ask your consultant and they will be sent some out to you.


Timesheets must be filled out and signed correctly at the end of every shift. All timesheets must state your name, date, client location and timesheets must be SIGNED by yourself and the client. Timesheets must be sent to – any timesheets that have been sent to consultants’ phones or emails will not be processed. All timesheets must be sent to the timesheets email by 10am NO LATER! Payroll now closes at 12pm, any timesheets sent after this will not be processed and pay will be delayed.

We look to continue growing the business, gain new clients and new candidates within North and South regions and expand in other areas, but we cannot achieve this without your support.

As always Dean and Melika are always on hand to help with anything, and you can always contact them directly.

Jak and I are also there if you need us, we will contact you weekly to check in and see how you are and what your availability is.

Overall, thank you for all your help so far and let’s continue to make this year a massive success for us all!


Salima & Jak.

P.S. Jak no longer has hair… Please feel free to send him any tips on how to protect his head.



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