Catering Recruitment North East

After years of hard work in hospitality Adkins & Cheurfi Recruitment has finally launched to become the number one catering recruitment north east agency that specialises only in the hospitality sector.

catering recruitment north eastAdkins & Cheurfi Recruitment is managed by two experienced and dedicated recruiters who care about the industry and the careers of everyone they work with.

Dean Adkins and Melika Cheurfi both started off working in the hotel and catering trade at the age of 15. With years of hospitality experience behind them, industry knowledge and contacts Adkins & Cheurfi are not just another Catering Recruitment North East agency.



“Chefs are the driving force behind any successful kitchen, getting it right first time can be like finding a needle in a haystack, we are in it for the long haul we want to forge excellent client relationships and get it right first time”                                                                                                                                      

Melika Cheurfi

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“Having worked as a chef for a number of years myself I can relate to how tough the job can be. I have had bad experiences with recruitment agencies in the past, this is not something you will ever have with us. No matter what level of chef or hospitality professional you are we guarantee you will be treated with respect and honesty”            

   Dean Adkins 

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